Dr. Gail can be reached by calling 403-527-3936. A confidential voice mail can be left if she is not available.
2 509c North Railway St SE Medicine Hat AB T1A 2Z8
If this is an emergency please contact the distress line at 1-800-784-2433, your family physician, the emergency room, or 911.
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Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is a comprehensive crisis intervention system. CISM has multiple crisis intervention components that span the entire temporal spectrum of a crisis. CISM interventions range from the preparation for an anticipated to crisis to follow-up after the crisis has occurred. Interventions can be used with individuals, small or large groups, families, organizations and communities.Gail has been involved in providing CISM services for numerous years. She has been part of a school based CISM team, community based CISM team, and a Search and Rescue CISM team. During this time numerous interventions have been provided at schools, workplaces and on scene after trauma including suicides, fatal motor vehicle accidents, robbery and drowning. Interventions have included agency consultations, one to one support, debriefings, defusings and crisis management briefings. CISM has become the standard of care for many agencies and EAP.
Are you ready?
If you are interested in any CISM services or hosting a workshop please contact Gail for more information.Gail is an ICISF approved Instructor for the CISM: Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support and the Group Crisis Intervention Workshops.
Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support Workshop
Crisis intervention is NOT psychotherapy, rather it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called "emotional first aid". Crisis interventions are typically done individually (one-on-one) or in groups. This workshop is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual intervention. The audience for this class includes both emergency services, military, and business/industrial peer support personnel without formal training in mental health, as well as mental health professionals, who desire to increase their knowledge of individual (one-on-one) crisis intervention techniques. (13 Contact Hours)This course is approved by ICISF. Participants who attend the entire 13 hours will receive a certificate from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County which may help in qualifying for Continuing Education.
Group Crisis Intervention
The Group Crisis Intervention training program is designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi component crisis intervention curriculum. The two day course prepares participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services including pre- and post-incident crisis education, significant-other support services, on-scene support services, demobilizations (Rest Information Transition Session) after large scale traumatic incidents, Immediate Small Group Support (defusing), Powerful Event Group Support (PEGS/CISD) and more.This course is approved by ICISF. Participants will attend the entire 14 hours will receive a certificate from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County which may help in qualifying for Continuing Education.Grief Following TraumaIn the course of nearly everyone's life, they will, at some time, encounter grieving people following trauma or loss. This course is designed to help people develop a basic understanding of how to help grieving people following trauma. Course content includes how to identify characteristics of trauma and traumatic events, the normalcy of traumatic grief reactions, learn helpful death notification and body identification techniques, become skilled at identify warning signs of complications and learn the importance of early intervention and support.This course is approved by ICISF. Participants will attend the entire 14 hours will receive a certificate from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County which may help in qualifying for Continuing Education.
Grief Following Trauma
In the course of nearly everyone's life, they will, at some time, encounter grieving people following trauma or loss. This course is designed to help people develop a basic understanding of how to help grieving people following trauma. Course content includes how to identify characteristics of trauma and traumatic events, the normalcy of traumatic grief reactions, learn helpful death notification and body identification techniques, become skilled at identify warning signs of complications and learn the importance of early intervention and support.This course is approved by ICISF. Participants will attend the entire 14 hours will receive a certificate from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County which may help in qualifying for Continuing Education.