​​​Dr. Gail can be reached by calling 403-527-3936.  A confidential voice mail can be left if she is not available.  
2 509c North Railway St  SE Medicine Hat AB T1A 2Z8
If this is an emergency please contact the distress line at 1-800-784-2433, your family physician, the emergency room, or 911.

Copyright @ A Better Life Consulting and Counselling. All rights reserved.

​​​​​​​​       Dr. Gail Eastman PhD        Registered Psychologist     A Better Life Consulting and Counselling     403.527.3936 

This workshop is based on the amazing research of Dr. John Gottman as presented in The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.  This educational workshop is designed to help couples improve their friendship and conflict management skills.  

This psychoeducational workshop (not therapy) provides information on skills and private couples exercises (meaning you do not share anything with group).   Psychoeducation focus on learning skills, while group therapy focuses on the issues.  

Couples that this workshop is NOT suited for:

Severe relationship distress
Emotional abuse
Domestic abuse
People not in recovery for their addiction
Untreated mental health problems in one or both partners 

Everyone from newlyweds to seniors
Those who wish to enhance a good relationship
Those needing better conflict management tools

Couples that would benefit from this workshop:

Skills to improve friendship, fondness
Enhance connection and intimacy§Mange conflict constructively
Negotiate ongoing issues
Create shared meaning
Maintain gains throughout a lifetime

Ready to enrich your relationship?

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage work by Dr. John Gottman

Two couple guides

What you will learn:

You will receive: